Fate/Grand Order – Nightingale (Santa) Valentine’s Scene (Voiced)

Fate/Grand Order – Nightingale (Santa) Valentine’s Scene (Voiced)

Fate/Grand Order – Nightingale (Santa) Valentine’s Scene (Voiced)

Japanese Name: ナイチンゲール
AKA: Angel of Crimea (クリミアの天使, Kurimia no Tenshi)
Florence Nightingale (フローレンス・ナイチンゲール), Mercédès, The White Cloth of Steel, The Lady with the Lamp.
Voice Actor: Sawashiro Miyuki Illustrator: Takahashi Keitarō
Gender: Female

Fate/Grand Order(NA) Website: https://fate-go.us/
Fate/Grand Order(NA) Android app:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aniplex.fategrandorder.en&hl=en
Fate/Grand Order(NA) IOS app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fate-grand-order-english/id1183802626?mt=8

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