Fate/Grand Order — Lostbelt 5.5, Heian-kyo [#6]

Fate/Grand Order — Lostbelt 5.5, Heian-kyo [#6]

Original Air Date: Nov 23, 2022

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxFOY2YVSI83cwdhKRXvgBC9iT1dLJLFf
It’s been years since I’ve started playing Fate/Grand Order and only recently did I decide to start archiving my main story vods. With how long and, usually, enjoyable the reads are, I will start uploading Fate/GO main story vods to YouTube for preservation.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any recordings of previous singularities, events, or lostbelts leading up to Lostbelt 5.5 here, but I might as well get started now. I hope you all enjoy the readthrough.

Also, tangents aplenty here throughout the readthrough, be warned and I’m too lazy atm to timestamp. Good luck!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sirprizekirby
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SirPrizeKirby


CTA-IMAGE 遊ばなくなったアプリゲーム、 せっかく課金までしたのに、このまま アカウント削除するのは勿体ないな。。 なんて思った事ありませんか? そんなお悩みの方にフリマ感覚で 売買ができるサイトを紹介するよ。 もちろん、運営サイトを仲介しての取引だから安心、安全!取引中のサポートも充実しているから興味のある方は覗いてみてね。


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