Fate/Grand Order – 5.5: Naraka Mandala, Heian-Kyo Section 11 & 12 Story & Fights

Fate/Grand Order – 5.5: Naraka Mandala, Heian-Kyo Section 11 & 12 Story & Fights

Fate/Grand Order Cosmos in the Lostbelt story continues! A new of the Hassoujin reveals itself and it seems like a familiar face that Danzo has hesitance to share with the master of Chaldea. Going by the name of Kagekiyo, a more adult looking Ushiwakamaru joins the fray and it seems like she’s out for Genji blood

This is the story of the Main Story part 2 of the 5.5 interlude of Fate/Grand Order, Cosmos in the Lostbelt,put together with both story and gameplay content where necessary, due to the purely story motives of the video, commentary isn’t provided because it would add nothing to the scope of the content

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00:11 Section 11, 1/4: Kagekiyo
02:38 Section 11, 2/4: Ushiwamakaru’s Future
17:21 Section 11, 3/4: The Onis of Mount Ooe
29:24 Section 11, 4/4: Shuten’s Acceptance
35:18 Section 12, 1/4: Benkei’s Bridge
47:13 Section 12, 2/4: Yoshitsune
55:20 Section 12, 3/4: Genji’s Legacy
01:06:14 Section 12, 3/4: Child of Sekiryu


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