メギド72BGM/Megido72 – When’d he go into there? – After Clear [イベント「When’d he go into there?」クリア後 BGM]

メギド72BGM/Megido72 – When’d he go into there? – After Clear [イベント「When’d he go into there?」クリア後 BGM]

I usually upload songs like this when the song name is released, but this one is so good that I had to upload it now.
JP Song Name: ???
Composer: Ryo Yorisaki or Chihiro Yorisaki
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoyNPVSSTo1EZfCtzy_3Dchc7xl06ufxd

メギド72のイベント「When’d he go into there?」

About メギド72/Megido72 Songs: I’ve never played megido72 (i’m from brazil, it’s impossible). I’m just someone who likes the soundtrack of this game and posts on this channel the songs that i can’t find in youtube. I use the information from atwiki and gamewith to make the titles and thumbs, so if there are any mistakes, please tell me

#メギド72 #メギド72BGM


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