【FGO】Summer Wu Zetian Valentine Scene【English Subbed】【Fate/Grand Order】

【FGO】Summer Wu Zetian Valentine Scene【English Subbed】【Fate/Grand Order】

Chocolate Rice Cakes That Work Well On Jiangshi

Valentine chocolate from Wu Zetian (Caster).

It is said that glutinous rice has the power to ward off evil: if you throw it at a Jiangshi, it will damage the creature, but if you shove it in its mouth, it will explode from the inside. It is a convenient article that can even suck out the poison of a jiangshi if you press it to the bite wound.
Its cost performance is excellent as well.

However, due to recent trends, they don’t just leave what they’ve thrown as is, but they also properly clean it up or collect it.
The sight of the Hassans recovering their thrown daggers (dirks) and the Kokuri collecting the glutinous rice symbolizes Chaldea’s MOTTAINAI spirit.

“That’s why, it’s not like I went out of my way to prepare these… I’m just being eco-friendly and recycling!”

It can not be ascertained whether it was really made of recycled glutinous rice or not, but it is very delicious and also gets full points for how filling it is.

What’s left to do is to pray you won’t explode because you’ve turned into a Jiangshi before you knew it.

Translation by Konchew



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