[FGO NA] Lostbelt 3 – Super Orion Solo VS Qin Shi Huang

[FGO NA] Lostbelt 3 – Super Orion Solo VS Qin Shi Huang

Here it is , the ultimate battle between the two crit gods , the solo gods , the biggest gigachads and my favorite characters
This battle against QSH is probably my favorite one in the game so far , the battle to determine which humanity is best suited to lead the Earth .
QSH (as chad as he is) actually buffs you with permanent 50% busterquickarts buffs so you may have a chance at defeating him , but even with these buffs this battle is very challenging (as long as you don’t use an avenger).
After buffing himself from his NP the emperor can shoot down any enemy with one crit hit , and not to mention the invincibility and the fact that he removes your buffs when you break his 2ndHP bar.
But as you probably already know , Orion doesn’t really care about gimmicks , thank god that QSH wasn’t really serious in this battle .


CTA-IMAGE 遊ばなくなったアプリゲーム、 せっかく課金までしたのに、このまま アカウント削除するのは勿体ないな。。 なんて思った事ありませんか? そんなお悩みの方にフリマ感覚で 売買ができるサイトを紹介するよ。 もちろん、運営サイトを仲介しての取引だから安心、安全!取引中のサポートも充実しているから興味のある方は覗いてみてね。


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