Fate/Grand Order Countdown to Lostbelt No. 6 – Pseudo-Singularity II

Fate/Grand Order Countdown to Lostbelt No. 6 – Pseudo-Singularity II

Pseudo-Singularity II: Subterranean World of Folklore, Agartha – Women of Agartha

The Demon God Pillars who were separated from the 72 Demon Gods each found their purpose. These scraps of the Beast scattered around the globe, forming Pseudo-Singularities—stains in the fabric of human history.

Central Asia, the 21st century.
In a time and place where no major conflicts were recorded, a Singularity has appeared underground, and a Demon God Pillar’s influence is suspected. The next Pseudo-Singularity operation will take place in the vast subterranean cavern Agartha.

Countdown to Lostbelt No. 6 at https://fate-go.us/ctlb6/

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