FGO TA Li Shuwen Single-Core 5T Moriarty CBC Challenge Quest

FGO TA Li Shuwen Single-Core 5T Moriarty CBC Challenge Quest

Phantom thief stopped by the strongest security guard in the world.

#李書文 #無二打 #老當益壯

Old Li can frontline 5T, the only reason I did not do frontline is because I do not have time for it. Although the frontline team would not be single-core because it becomes necessary to rely on supports’ cards to dispatch mobs. Damage is not an issue, the challenge would be critting and card draws.

By inserting Cursed Arm and Hans in T1 and T3, the script turns from a difficult one to a fairly basic one because these two alleviates the above challenges.

Speaking of which, Lancer Li could 6T solo the CQ if I had MLB Black Grail, it is what it is.

As mentioned before it is increasingly difficult for me to spend a lot of time on this game as I had been doing for the past three years; I have not prepared any new script for half a year and this run is the last of my pre-planned CQ script.

I still intend to wrap up Heian-kyo and hope to cover the notable stages of Nerofest, but only time will tell what the future has in store.

Fate/Grand Order
Holy Grail Phantom Thief Amakusa Shirou and the Slapstick Museum
[High Difficulty] From the King of Crime, With Love
Li Shuwen (Assassin) 5T

聖杯怪盗天草四郎 ~スラップスティック・ミュージアム~
李書文 (殺) 5T


CTA-IMAGE 遊ばなくなったアプリゲーム、 せっかく課金までしたのに、このまま アカウント削除するのは勿体ないな。。 なんて思った事ありませんか? そんなお悩みの方にフリマ感覚で 売買ができるサイトを紹介するよ。 もちろん、運営サイトを仲介しての取引だから安心、安全!取引中のサポートも充実しているから興味のある方は覗いてみてね。


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