FGO JP – ORT Xibalba VS. Geronimo Lvl.120 – Lostbelt 7 ORT Xibalba GRAND Battle 😈

FGO JP – ORT Xibalba VS. Geronimo Lvl.120 – Lostbelt 7 ORT Xibalba GRAND Battle 😈

This is probably one of the biggest stunts I manage to pull through with Geronimo in FGO JP, Lostbelt 7 and specially the ORT Raids were one of the most fun experience I had in FGO in a long time, and this ORT Xibalba fight (altho slightly rng based) was the best boss fight ever imo 😳
And fr tho Geronimo’s roll in this fight was key, his overcharged debuff resistances kinda carried the run so stop saying he is thrash and put some respect on GMAN’S name 😡
Anyways, what are your thoughts on this fight? Let me know in the comments! 👀

0:00 – First Gauge
0:36 – Second Gauge
2:04 – Third Gauge
3:33 – Forth Gauge
5:29 – Fifth Gauge
6:31 – Sixth Gauge
8:00 – Final Gauge

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CTA-IMAGE 遊ばなくなったアプリゲーム、 せっかく課金までしたのに、このまま アカウント削除するのは勿体ないな。。 なんて思った事ありませんか? そんなお悩みの方にフリマ感覚で 売買ができるサイトを紹介するよ。 もちろん、運営サイトを仲介しての取引だから安心、安全!取引中のサポートも充実しているから興味のある方は覗いてみてね。


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