Princess Connect Re:Dive – Sub Episode 08

Princess Connect Re:Dive – Sub Episode 08

Princess Connect Re:Dive
Sub Episode 08

Gourmet Guild and Alter Maiden are arrived in Geo Gehenna with new alliances and new monsters on their way. Can anyone survive in the mysterious desert?

The group from Forestier plans a safety lecture for the residents who are afraid of monsters. They ask Popo-jiisan for help, but he ends up magically modifying My Friend-kun. However, the lecture ends successfully and Aoi cries at the reunion with her best friend.

Chika and the others save Kururu from being attacked by monsters, and receive a sheet and a bunny suit as a thank gift. The sheet was not the special one that Chika was looking for, but Carmina and the others promise to join Kururu in a parade someday when the park is restored.

Lind, Wurm, and Yuuki play with the port that Bobo-jiisan developed. After that, they serve the knights by order of Lyrael and other peaceful times continue. Wurm secretly wishes that these days would last forever.

Chapter List:
00:10 Magical Modification! Monster Countermeasure Lecture
17:55 Searching for the Phantom Music Sheet in the Underworld
32:51 Twin Dragon Service Date



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