【FGO】Aqua Marie (Water E-Olgamarie) Boss Fight – アクアマリー【Fate/Grand Order】

【FGO】Aqua Marie (Water E-Olgamarie) Boss Fight – アクアマリー【Fate/Grand Order】

Class Triangle reference:

Archer, Rider & Avenger have offensive advantage
Lancer, Caster, Alterego and Shielder have defensive advantage
Lancer, Caster, Alterego have offensive disadvantage
Archer, Rider, Avenger have defensive disadvantage

Battle mechanics:

10 battles, 3 servants per battle for a total of 30 servants used
If you don’t defeat all the enemies, you’ll progress to the next battle after 3 turns (5 turns for certain stages with strong enemies)
No time limit on the battle against E-Olgamarie
Enemies holding the President Badges will appear in these battles
By defeating these enemies you will get the badges which can be used to activate strong Badge Skills
The same Badge Skill can’t be used more than once per turn
If you select Retry from the battle menu, you can redo the stage you were at after reselecting your party
If you select Temporarily Retreat, you can strengthen your Servants and CEs in the middle of the battle you were in

Aqua Marie:
– Hitting her with an Art card will give her a Defense up buff
– Hitting her with a Quick card will give her a Healing amount up buff
– First break: cleanse herself, inflict -2 cooldown and NP gain down on all your Servants, then full NP charge.
– Second break: cleanse herself, inflict NP gain down on all your Servants, then full NP charge. Her attacks will no longer give you NP charge.
– Last break: cleanse herself, inflict NP gain down on all your Servants, then full NP charge. Your Servant will now lose 1k HP at the end of every turn.

– Abuse the first Badge skill. It only costs 5 badge and give you 20% NP + 15 stars.
– Try to save up as many Badges as you can, preferably 50+. This gives you access to the strongest Badge skill that costs 50 badges: 3 invul on everyone for 3 turns.
– Debuff immunity and debuff cleanse are very helpful.
– Unless you have a way to ignore defense or remove her defense buff, try to NOT use too many Art cards on her.
– Good luck and have fun.



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