【グラブル】ジークフリートHL 両面マグナ3 フルオート マナダイバー&モンク /【GBF】Siegfried HL Magna3 FA Manadiver & Monk

【グラブル】ジークフリートHL 両面マグナ3 フルオート マナダイバー&モンク /【GBF】Siegfried HL Magna3 FA Manadiver & Monk

In terms of stability and damage, Manadiver is the midpoint to Monk and Nekomancer.
Secret Triad is important for speeding up Qual Faenge to keep our stacks low.

For me, Manadiver is ~6:30 and Monk is 4:00-5:30 depending on room speed.
If you join around 75%, Monk and Manadiver will be very stable since we have 2 Qual Faenge to lower stacks immediately.
Monk join from 100% is also stable if the room is fast (usually on Weekends or Friday)
Manadiver can join from 100% even on slow rooms, but will have issues if they don’t take at least 1 Qual Faenge before 75%

Ewiyar is an alternative to Nio150, I bring her in from the backline because you have a high chance of landing the double strike turn on a Qual Faenge otherwise.
Ewiyar is slightly more unstable than Nio because there’s no shield to help MC
Backline Narmaya is for when MC dies if we take too many turns, alternatives are Vampy, Aliza, Nami, Katz
Friday replaces Shion on Friday(JST)

I wouldn’t run this without at least Luci210 Quick Summon
HalMal and 000 are optional
Sagacity key could be replaced with Stamina or Majesty for lower speed

0:00 Manadiver Nio
7:49 Manadiver Ewiyar
15:30 Monk Nio

Excelsior – Pizuya’s Cell ft. 3L
Close to you – 10th Avenue Cafe
Unknown Doll – 10th Avenue Cafe
Lost my Love – 10th Avenue Cafe
original – Pizuya’s Cell

#GBF #グラブル #ジークフリートHL #グランブルーファンタジー


CTA-IMAGE 遊ばなくなったアプリゲーム、 せっかく課金までしたのに、このまま アカウント削除するのは勿体ないな。。 なんて思った事ありませんか? そんなお悩みの方にフリマ感覚で 売買ができるサイトを紹介するよ。 もちろん、運営サイトを仲介しての取引だから安心、安全!取引中のサポートも充実しているから興味のある方は覗いてみてね。


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